The hardest thing for me to do is wait. I don't have very good patience, but that's something I pray for.
sometimes I ask myself, why can't I just know the answer now. why wait? that question boggles my mind. I have stopped asking myself that question and started asking myself, what is God trying to tell me?
surely there is reason to his time of waiting.
in the end, let me tell you, it's worth the wait.
1 Timothy 6:11
But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
Instead of wasting my time, asking myself, and griping, I try to go by this verse.
2 Timothy 3:10
But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
But 2 Thess 1:4 talks about it too.
So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:
Why waste time asking yourself, why can't I have this now, that could be time, that you could be spending with the Lord to know what he wants for you.
Matt 5:12
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
If you want to know what God wants for you, Jesus Said it as simple as this.
Mark 11:24
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
and Remember ladies
1Thess 5:17
Pray without ceasing.
If you have something you need. take it to the Lord in Prayer. it's as easy as that. it's like a motto, also one of my favorite songs.
Believe, have faith, and you will have them. it may not be right away. and if it's not meant to be, God will tell you, but you have to Pray.
Don't forget
Psalm 66:18
If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:
so, it's best to say, if you have done anything that is not good in the sight of the Lord, it's best that you ask for forgiveness and repent. (To God NOT to a Preacher or Priest)
It is important that you know that, that you cannot confess your sins to or through a Priest or Preacher. but only to God.
God will show you what path to take, and where to go, he's there, he's a prayer away Ladies.
If any of you have prayer requests we can take them.
Thank you for reading.
In His Honor.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
~Ephesians 5~
Lets look at this chapter together and in Blue font I will put my thoughts. Join me in taking a look at this wonderful chapter in a most wonderful book.
Ephesians 5
1Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
2And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
3But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
4Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
5For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Wow, what a tall order! Fornication: to me this means no sexual relations all around with anyone, at anytime. God did not make you to go performing any such act with anyone but your husbands. This is quite a statement for us as mothers to raise our daughters, and us as daughter to aspire to. We shall not covet...materials things hold no water, when we die they sit there continuaous to collect dust, to not put all of yourself into wanting and lusting after THINGS. Verse for really hits home, because to me this means no cursing, no making fun of others, no saying things you do not mean, and the big one is do not do things out of convience. Wow, todays age conviences are the way of life. So these are really hard to do. But must be done because the Lord our God commands it of us..No matter how tall the order is. And most importantly, Verse five, here God illustrates how these will not come into the Kingdom of God. Now here it does not say if unsaved it says if you do these things....what a thought to ponder. I believe that if you have done these things prior to being washed in the blood of Christ, then your sins are forgiven, and if you do these things after and are not truly repentant and learn from the errors of your ways, and pray to the Lord for forgiveness then your judgement seat of Christ shall illuminate verse five.
6Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
7Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
8For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
9(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
10Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
I believe that the Lord our God gives us the warning of all false prophets and unbelievers, we must be aware, we must be proactive, we must not fellowship with them but call them on it, have them try and explain and we must know the Bible in order to prove their theories wrong! We must have Gods word in our hearts minds and souls iin order to rebuke and reprove these that are not walking in the light and want to snatch us away from Christ.
12For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
13But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
All things that are done will come out into the Light....Good or bad, and the truth will always be brought to the surface of any situations. And God will have the final say in all things!
14Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
15See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
18And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
It is very important how we as children of God act, walk and talk. For if we are dissillusioned with alcohol, drugs or other addictions we are not walking with the Lord but rather in our own stead, fill your mind, body and soul with the Holy spirit. This is why dressing, talking and living your life in a modest fashion is so important. Because the Holy spirit would not dress of a man if he were made to be a woman, he would not drowned himself out by filling up on drugs and alcohol, he would not walk around in clothing that barely covers himself, flaunting about and priding himself on sexiness, selfishness, and down right pornographic attire, he would not swear at his fellow peoples, or have an foolish, unkind, disgusting words fall from his lips. We must look at the Holy Spirit living in us, and how God himself would do things, for we are a vessel of the light of Christ, and he did not die for us to tramp about and make our mission whilst on earth one of selfish lusts and desires, of materialism and self glorifying. All we do should glorify that which made us, the Lord our God!
21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
33Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
To me as a wife, submitting myself unto my husband is a joy, a pleasure for I know that with him, I am his help meet, I am created to respect and love, honour and cherish him, it is why I was created. I am a strong woman and am not a door mat. So when your husband is loving his wife as Christ loves the Church, I know that I have nothing ot worry about. Because my husband listens to my heart and words and does all he can to heal, quell fears and to be the one that must take control when my emotions may not help me see things clear. He is the one whom completes me, is strong when I am weak and is weak where I am strong. I have very specific things I do andhe loves me all the more for it. Submission is to know when to quiet, to listen and do, to know when to trust and when to help. Submission now a days is to know why you were created and to have Christ as your main in your marriage. If you are following God's word, then you shall be honoured to be a submissive wife, and honoured to have a Godly head of the home for husband.
If you are being treated as Christ treats the church and if you are respecting your husband as we all respect the church, then submission is an honour.
Thank you for reading today,
May God bless each of you and your walk with the Lord,
With Him all things are possible!
Ephesians 5
1Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
2And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
Children believe in all things unseen, children are not corrupt or perverse in their thinking, they are as pure as the driven snow and know and love God effortlessley. Love, here is described as an action. Christ gave himself for the love of all man, for nothing in return, for simply our spiritual lives to be death no more and to be able to be alive in God's eyes free from our hideous sins.
3But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
4Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
5For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Wow, what a tall order! Fornication: to me this means no sexual relations all around with anyone, at anytime. God did not make you to go performing any such act with anyone but your husbands. This is quite a statement for us as mothers to raise our daughters, and us as daughter to aspire to. We shall not covet...materials things hold no water, when we die they sit there continuaous to collect dust, to not put all of yourself into wanting and lusting after THINGS. Verse for really hits home, because to me this means no cursing, no making fun of others, no saying things you do not mean, and the big one is do not do things out of convience. Wow, todays age conviences are the way of life. So these are really hard to do. But must be done because the Lord our God commands it of us..No matter how tall the order is. And most importantly, Verse five, here God illustrates how these will not come into the Kingdom of God. Now here it does not say if unsaved it says if you do these things....what a thought to ponder. I believe that if you have done these things prior to being washed in the blood of Christ, then your sins are forgiven, and if you do these things after and are not truly repentant and learn from the errors of your ways, and pray to the Lord for forgiveness then your judgement seat of Christ shall illuminate verse five.
6Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
7Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
8For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
9(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
10Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
I believe that the Lord our God gives us the warning of all false prophets and unbelievers, we must be aware, we must be proactive, we must not fellowship with them but call them on it, have them try and explain and we must know the Bible in order to prove their theories wrong! We must have Gods word in our hearts minds and souls iin order to rebuke and reprove these that are not walking in the light and want to snatch us away from Christ.
12For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
13But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
All things that are done will come out into the Light....Good or bad, and the truth will always be brought to the surface of any situations. And God will have the final say in all things!
14Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
15See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
18And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
It is very important how we as children of God act, walk and talk. For if we are dissillusioned with alcohol, drugs or other addictions we are not walking with the Lord but rather in our own stead, fill your mind, body and soul with the Holy spirit. This is why dressing, talking and living your life in a modest fashion is so important. Because the Holy spirit would not dress of a man if he were made to be a woman, he would not drowned himself out by filling up on drugs and alcohol, he would not walk around in clothing that barely covers himself, flaunting about and priding himself on sexiness, selfishness, and down right pornographic attire, he would not swear at his fellow peoples, or have an foolish, unkind, disgusting words fall from his lips. We must look at the Holy Spirit living in us, and how God himself would do things, for we are a vessel of the light of Christ, and he did not die for us to tramp about and make our mission whilst on earth one of selfish lusts and desires, of materialism and self glorifying. All we do should glorify that which made us, the Lord our God!
21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
33Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
To me as a wife, submitting myself unto my husband is a joy, a pleasure for I know that with him, I am his help meet, I am created to respect and love, honour and cherish him, it is why I was created. I am a strong woman and am not a door mat. So when your husband is loving his wife as Christ loves the Church, I know that I have nothing ot worry about. Because my husband listens to my heart and words and does all he can to heal, quell fears and to be the one that must take control when my emotions may not help me see things clear. He is the one whom completes me, is strong when I am weak and is weak where I am strong. I have very specific things I do andhe loves me all the more for it. Submission is to know when to quiet, to listen and do, to know when to trust and when to help. Submission now a days is to know why you were created and to have Christ as your main in your marriage. If you are following God's word, then you shall be honoured to be a submissive wife, and honoured to have a Godly head of the home for husband.
If you are being treated as Christ treats the church and if you are respecting your husband as we all respect the church, then submission is an honour.
Thank you for reading today,
May God bless each of you and your walk with the Lord,
With Him all things are possible!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Giveaway, and The Details. Starts Now! :-D
Alright, who has been waiting a week or so for these details and rules? I have! I've been very busy, so today I'm marking it no matter what! :-) Good idea right?
Here are the Goodies!
Modest Apparel USA Has kindly donated a $25 gift card to their store.

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
Miss Atlanta From Over at The Story of a Seamstress has so very kindly donated Her Design your own Regency Dress. To learn more about this kit Click Here!

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
Christa Taylor is Donating an Apron.

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
Now here are the rules and other details.
Follow My Blog (2 entries) if you already follow it include that as a entry (2 entries). :-) If you don't have a blog post your email (2 entries)
Post what prize you would like most. (1 entry)
Post about the giveaway on your Blog and post the link on here (3 entries)
If you post about this on your blog, and use the codes I provided, you get an entry for each code you post.
Again if you don't have a blog, post your favorite bible verse (2 entries)
Posting Our Button on your blog gets you (3 entries)
Have Fun Ladies! Spread the word and get excited! Just kidding, but please do Spread the word!
This Giveaway Runs Through Tuesday August 24th to Tuesday September 14th at 11:59pm
Good Luck Ladies
This is now open to everyone, leave your email for me to contact you if you win, if you do not have an account,
Here are the Goodies!
Modest Apparel USA Has kindly donated a $25 gift card to their store.

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
Miss Atlanta From Over at The Story of a Seamstress has so very kindly donated Her Design your own Regency Dress. To learn more about this kit Click Here!

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
Christa Taylor is Donating an Apron.

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
Now here are the rules and other details.
Follow My Blog (2 entries) if you already follow it include that as a entry (2 entries). :-) If you don't have a blog post your email (2 entries)
Post what prize you would like most. (1 entry)
Post about the giveaway on your Blog and post the link on here (3 entries)
If you post about this on your blog, and use the codes I provided, you get an entry for each code you post.
Again if you don't have a blog, post your favorite bible verse (2 entries)
Posting Our Button on your blog gets you (3 entries)
Have Fun Ladies! Spread the word and get excited! Just kidding, but please do Spread the word!
This Giveaway Runs Through Tuesday August 24th to Tuesday September 14th at 11:59pm
Good Luck Ladies
This is now open to everyone, leave your email for me to contact you if you win, if you do not have an account,
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Our christain walk should be like a raging inferno!
This past week myself and my family have been living in the middle of a wildfire. Although this expierence has been so terrifying, the Lord was able to get through a few points to me. Come along and read awhile.................
At first glance the forest fire is behind the mountain really no threat to anyone or you put it out of your mind.
This is where I was when I was first saved. Although I was on fire I really stayed back, only obeying the commandments that I thought was necessary. The one's I thought God thought was most important. This is where I held steadfast to my worldly wants and desires but now curbed myself a little to fit into a more "christian" approach to my lifestyle and my choices.
Then you start to see the flicker of the flames, one by one trees rage up and smoke and then die down to just smoldering........
This is where I was in the begining of my marriage. On fire, wanting to do something for the Lord, opening my heart....then went to the wrong church and although still my heart was with the Lord, I simmered down.
Then the entire mountain is on fire, you are in fear, a state of perpetual shock, fear, and awe. You see how fast, how devastating, how magnificant, how powerful the Lord really is. You see how in an instant the Lord can move the mountains, change the wind and up roar to bring you to your knees and pray. You see how strong He is and weak you really are. You see your entire life and the lives around you and how precious and what you hold dear. You see materialism in some and complete obedience in others.
The Lord has been conditioning my heart in the last year. I used to be a hoarder, I wanted all my stuff all the time! I paid for it I wanted it...and slowly the Lord has been guiding me teaching me and giving me hard lessons to learn and to teach others. When we moved from the Condo only two short months ago, I wanted to hang on to so much, to take so much, I felt I couldnt part with it. So I only took what I thought was needed. Sitting in admist the fire going up all around me I looked at all of our stuff and realized that none of it was needed. I got our pictures (one small plastic container) enough clothes to get by (one laundry basket, and one milk crate) diapers wipes toiletries and blankets for the children, movies for the kids and the homeschool stuff....And looked around and for the first time in my life was content.
You see the Lord gives us situations that we can glean so much wisdom from and we dont even realize it!
I looked at the fire and was terrified but knew if we had to fight it we would fight it as a whole, together as a family. And I was content in knowing the Lord would keep me and my family safe. I looked around and was disgusted by others wanting to hoard things that really were not that important. I was dissapointed in petty things and realized that I have to forgive, I have to have mercy, I have to be able to give grace, Ihave to pray, I have to come to my knee's, I have to let go and realize that I cannot change anyone, I have to realize that the Lord is always in control and He has the Power to change it all, I have to realize that no matter wht the most important things are number one God, number to my husband, number three my children, number four my extended family, number five material things that are needed (ie. birth certificates,pictures, clothes, school work).
Thank you God for giving me life lessons. Thank you God for anwsering all of my prayers, even though sometimes i dont think you anwser them I know you do!
The next time you have a rough situation, no matter how bad, how hard, please look and see where God is in it! In the end this will be where you get your strength from! Where are you in your christian walk....are you a raging inferno without cease, do you talk to everyone, are you a light for christ, do you give out tracts and do all that you are called to do, or are you on fire behind the mountain? Do you love the Lord but not sure how,what where to do go......Begin with prayer and let your circumstances teach you, see the Lord moving in them guiding you, teaching you, molding you into His masterpiece!
Thank you for reading,
With Him all is possible,
This past week myself and my family have been living in the middle of a wildfire. Although this expierence has been so terrifying, the Lord was able to get through a few points to me. Come along and read awhile.................
At first glance the forest fire is behind the mountain really no threat to anyone or you put it out of your mind.
This is where I was when I was first saved. Although I was on fire I really stayed back, only obeying the commandments that I thought was necessary. The one's I thought God thought was most important. This is where I held steadfast to my worldly wants and desires but now curbed myself a little to fit into a more "christian" approach to my lifestyle and my choices.
Then you start to see the flicker of the flames, one by one trees rage up and smoke and then die down to just smoldering........
This is where I was in the begining of my marriage. On fire, wanting to do something for the Lord, opening my heart....then went to the wrong church and although still my heart was with the Lord, I simmered down.
Then the entire mountain is on fire, you are in fear, a state of perpetual shock, fear, and awe. You see how fast, how devastating, how magnificant, how powerful the Lord really is. You see how in an instant the Lord can move the mountains, change the wind and up roar to bring you to your knees and pray. You see how strong He is and weak you really are. You see your entire life and the lives around you and how precious and what you hold dear. You see materialism in some and complete obedience in others.
The Lord has been conditioning my heart in the last year. I used to be a hoarder, I wanted all my stuff all the time! I paid for it I wanted it...and slowly the Lord has been guiding me teaching me and giving me hard lessons to learn and to teach others. When we moved from the Condo only two short months ago, I wanted to hang on to so much, to take so much, I felt I couldnt part with it. So I only took what I thought was needed. Sitting in admist the fire going up all around me I looked at all of our stuff and realized that none of it was needed. I got our pictures (one small plastic container) enough clothes to get by (one laundry basket, and one milk crate) diapers wipes toiletries and blankets for the children, movies for the kids and the homeschool stuff....And looked around and for the first time in my life was content.
You see the Lord gives us situations that we can glean so much wisdom from and we dont even realize it!
I looked at the fire and was terrified but knew if we had to fight it we would fight it as a whole, together as a family. And I was content in knowing the Lord would keep me and my family safe. I looked around and was disgusted by others wanting to hoard things that really were not that important. I was dissapointed in petty things and realized that I have to forgive, I have to have mercy, I have to be able to give grace, Ihave to pray, I have to come to my knee's, I have to let go and realize that I cannot change anyone, I have to realize that the Lord is always in control and He has the Power to change it all, I have to realize that no matter wht the most important things are number one God, number to my husband, number three my children, number four my extended family, number five material things that are needed (ie. birth certificates,pictures, clothes, school work).
Thank you God for giving me life lessons. Thank you God for anwsering all of my prayers, even though sometimes i dont think you anwser them I know you do!
The next time you have a rough situation, no matter how bad, how hard, please look and see where God is in it! In the end this will be where you get your strength from! Where are you in your christian walk....are you a raging inferno without cease, do you talk to everyone, are you a light for christ, do you give out tracts and do all that you are called to do, or are you on fire behind the mountain? Do you love the Lord but not sure how,what where to do go......Begin with prayer and let your circumstances teach you, see the Lord moving in them guiding you, teaching you, molding you into His masterpiece!
Thank you for reading,
With Him all is possible,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Featured Modesty. and another post!
I could not help but make a post, about a blog that I have fell in love with, Bramblewood Fashion a band of 2 sisters, that make Modest Clothing, how wonderful,
You Don't see Modesty like this very often, all of her clothing seems to be Very Modest in what I have seen so far :-)
Thank you so much Ashley and Gabrielle for writing a lovely blog, I'm sure we will be doing an interview very soon. but as for now, Lets get to my post.
Girls of today, want to try to be Modest while still in style, I have no problem with that, except, that those two words should never be right next to each other, Modern Modesty, Putting today's clothing and calling it modest, and though in some cases it is Modest, you need to ask yourself the following.
Can You see your knees? No I'm serious Ladies, This is a problem many girls have, Modesty *appearance wise* is that we put Modern Fashion into Our Modesty views. Test out your wardrobe with a few questions.
These are all questions that need to be ask, sometimes we compromise our views and don't do what we need to do, the truth is, we need to stand up. fix our wardrobes and dress like a Christian striving for Gods own heart.
How can we spread the good news to a lost person, if we don't even look saved? sure, you might be able to win them, True Story: I'm sure this has happened to you.
You get our of the car/van start walking through the parking lot or on a sidewalk, someone is walking out, but what happens?
a Man, even a woman most of the time an older woman, open the door for you, why is that? because they respect you, and your dressed like a lady.
You can say what ever you want ladies, but it's an act of Respect. an old man with a cane that can barely walk, insists on opening the door for you to go ahead in the door first even though you were ahead.
we need to get back to that era, where women dressed like women, and girls dressed like girls. as you can see, what was said above has happened to many ladies, and happened more then a couple handful of times to me, and the ladies in my family.
when you look in the mirror.
if you answered no to any of the above, you need to do something to make it a yes.
before you buy something, if you don't feel comfortable wearing it anywhere and everywhere, then don't buy it, sometimes, we as ladies should pray, if we should get a piece of clothing, though it seems funny, or rather silly, we really should, God will provide you with an answer, as my grandma always said, if it's meant to be, it will be there next time you come.
When it comes to Blouses, ones with buttons you should always buy a size bigger, why? because if you will regret it in the end if you don't imagine sitting there, and you having to sit carefully so you don't bulge or look as if your going to burst open, buy a size bigger,
Ladies, if you can get a trusted Christian friend or your mother, father, or husband to come along with you shopping, it makes it much easier, sometimes our eyes can deceive us in front of the mirror.
I hope that in some way I have helped you, along with something. :-)
Thank You for Reading
In His Honor.,
You Don't see Modesty like this very often, all of her clothing seems to be Very Modest in what I have seen so far :-)
Thank you so much Ashley and Gabrielle for writing a lovely blog, I'm sure we will be doing an interview very soon. but as for now, Lets get to my post.
Girls of today, want to try to be Modest while still in style, I have no problem with that, except, that those two words should never be right next to each other, Modern Modesty, Putting today's clothing and calling it modest, and though in some cases it is Modest, you need to ask yourself the following.
- Am I pleasing the Lord with what I'm about to wear?
- Will I be drawing unneeded attention?
- Will people see Christ in me?
- Will this cause a Brother in Christ to Stumble?
Can You see your knees? No I'm serious Ladies, This is a problem many girls have, Modesty *appearance wise* is that we put Modern Fashion into Our Modesty views. Test out your wardrobe with a few questions.
- Can you see your knees or the back of your knees (back leg) while standing up or walking?
- when you sit down, do you have to fix your skirt and pull and tug on it so no one See's up your skirt or any of your legs?
- Can people see any bulges from your stomach, Backside, or thighs?
- Does your shirt cling and make curves, that cause unneeded attention?
These are all questions that need to be ask, sometimes we compromise our views and don't do what we need to do, the truth is, we need to stand up. fix our wardrobes and dress like a Christian striving for Gods own heart.
How can we spread the good news to a lost person, if we don't even look saved? sure, you might be able to win them, True Story: I'm sure this has happened to you.
You get our of the car/van start walking through the parking lot or on a sidewalk, someone is walking out, but what happens?
a Man, even a woman most of the time an older woman, open the door for you, why is that? because they respect you, and your dressed like a lady.
You can say what ever you want ladies, but it's an act of Respect. an old man with a cane that can barely walk, insists on opening the door for you to go ahead in the door first even though you were ahead.
we need to get back to that era, where women dressed like women, and girls dressed like girls. as you can see, what was said above has happened to many ladies, and happened more then a couple handful of times to me, and the ladies in my family.
when you look in the mirror.
- are you a closed vessel,
- are you saving yourself. for your future husband, or for your husband. saving yourself for your husbands eyes, that only he should see.
- Does your husband or father or brother agree with what you are wearing?
if you answered no to any of the above, you need to do something to make it a yes.
before you buy something, if you don't feel comfortable wearing it anywhere and everywhere, then don't buy it, sometimes, we as ladies should pray, if we should get a piece of clothing, though it seems funny, or rather silly, we really should, God will provide you with an answer, as my grandma always said, if it's meant to be, it will be there next time you come.
When it comes to Blouses, ones with buttons you should always buy a size bigger, why? because if you will regret it in the end if you don't imagine sitting there, and you having to sit carefully so you don't bulge or look as if your going to burst open, buy a size bigger,
Ladies, if you can get a trusted Christian friend or your mother, father, or husband to come along with you shopping, it makes it much easier, sometimes our eyes can deceive us in front of the mirror.
I hope that in some way I have helped you, along with something. :-)
Thank You for Reading
In His Honor.,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Unexpected, Destructive and Absolute!
Good Day to all of my sisters in Christ,
I have been reading a book lately, (very rarely that I am able to read other books other than a Bible, :) ) and I found the points quite a bit close to home. Come along with me and my thoughts...................
When God commands we listen.......or do we?
The commands that God gives us are absolute, complete, final and perfect. Then why is it that so many argue, invalidate and completely disregard some of His commands?
When you love Jesus, you pledge heart, mind, body and soul this is a conscience descision. This is a 100% your choice descision. Then why when God commands modesty, so many "christian women" argue? Then why when God commands Obiedences, submission (for Him and for your Husband as well), so many "christian women" turn away, throw up their arms, kick, scream and make a scene?
Well you know for all of the times I want to get mad and get angry at all of the "christian women" who say they love Jesus 100% without fail...and then turn around and completley disregard His commands with an air of compromise with a ready made worldly excuse.....I think of all the lessons to be gleaned and how to live my life better...
So in their mistakes I am able to learn, grow and love God better....
For example:
Lot's Wife--Genesis 19:22 shows us that even in the absolute terror of God's Wrath, this women looked back, she then was turned to a pillar of salt.
Lesson: keep your eyes upon Jesus and walk straight ahead.
Potiphars' Wife--Genesis 39:12-20 shows us that it is easy to get lonely, to give in to lustful thoughts, to lie, cheat and it is in all of us, unfortunatley, and how very wrong and how very fast it can happen.
Lesson: Look unto God's Word, hide it in you heart at all times, know that temptation will come, know that loneliness will creep around your heart, but if your heart is in line with the Holy Spirit you will not go astray!
There are so many examples in the Bible of women that went so far as to be singled out, told exactly what to do and then turn their noses up and walk away from God, (so to speak). So even if we have these women around us, that seem to not be walking with the Lord, as closely as we think, we should all realize there is so many lessons to be learned and so many opportunities to become a beacon, an example and a light that may one day convict the heart of those who walk hand holding out to the Lord and other hand holding on to the world!
Join me in making the walk with the Lord the only walk and let us all stand up and stand in obedience.
Thank you For joining me today,
With Him all is possible,
I have been reading a book lately, (very rarely that I am able to read other books other than a Bible, :) ) and I found the points quite a bit close to home. Come along with me and my thoughts...................
When God commands we listen.......or do we?
The commands that God gives us are absolute, complete, final and perfect. Then why is it that so many argue, invalidate and completely disregard some of His commands?
When you love Jesus, you pledge heart, mind, body and soul this is a conscience descision. This is a 100% your choice descision. Then why when God commands modesty, so many "christian women" argue? Then why when God commands Obiedences, submission (for Him and for your Husband as well), so many "christian women" turn away, throw up their arms, kick, scream and make a scene?
Well you know for all of the times I want to get mad and get angry at all of the "christian women" who say they love Jesus 100% without fail...and then turn around and completley disregard His commands with an air of compromise with a ready made worldly excuse.....I think of all the lessons to be gleaned and how to live my life better...
So in their mistakes I am able to learn, grow and love God better....
For example:
Lot's Wife--Genesis 19:22 shows us that even in the absolute terror of God's Wrath, this women looked back, she then was turned to a pillar of salt.
Lesson: keep your eyes upon Jesus and walk straight ahead.
Potiphars' Wife--Genesis 39:12-20 shows us that it is easy to get lonely, to give in to lustful thoughts, to lie, cheat and it is in all of us, unfortunatley, and how very wrong and how very fast it can happen.
Lesson: Look unto God's Word, hide it in you heart at all times, know that temptation will come, know that loneliness will creep around your heart, but if your heart is in line with the Holy Spirit you will not go astray!
There are so many examples in the Bible of women that went so far as to be singled out, told exactly what to do and then turn their noses up and walk away from God, (so to speak). So even if we have these women around us, that seem to not be walking with the Lord, as closely as we think, we should all realize there is so many lessons to be learned and so many opportunities to become a beacon, an example and a light that may one day convict the heart of those who walk hand holding out to the Lord and other hand holding on to the world!
Join me in making the walk with the Lord the only walk and let us all stand up and stand in obedience.
Thank you For joining me today,
With Him all is possible,
Friday, August 13, 2010
Interview With Katherine Farley,
Katherine Farley is an 21 year-old Stay at home daughter, that enjoys cooking and baking, sewing, knitting, and photography. This was pretty fun interviewing her, so enjoy and see how it went!
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So what made you (in the future) want to be a Stay at home Mother?
Katherine: Before i became a Christian, i wanted nothing to do with marriage, and children. I had many friends of my parents tell me that they were praying that i would homeschool my children one day. I thought that was the most ridiculous thing i had ever heard! In 2002 my dad was preaching at a supporting church in Louisa, VA. I attended the kids Sunday school class that morning with some friends. At the end of the class the teacher gave an invitation. I remember so clearly him saying, if you are not sure of your salvation, PLEASE do not raise your hand, and say that you are, and that he would speak to whomever wanted to be sure. I did not go forward. A few days later, i went to my mom, and asked her to show me how to be sure. That evening she led me to Christ. Over the months and years since my conversion the Lord has been molding and changing my heart. I now see that being a wife and mother is the greatest achievement, and a high calling for women. I look forward to the day that the Lord brings the man that he has created for me, into my life, and I pray that he blesses me with many children.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So as a Stay at home daughter (as of right now) what do you do around the house?
Katherine: My mom and i share the meal responsibilities, as well as clean up. My mom and I work as a team to clean the house, and to help my dad and brother with whatever they may need help with. I also work in my Dad's ministry office, putting orders together, cleaning, assembling tracts. I also run the home Bible study that our ministry offers, which entails sending out the courses and grading tests. And, when my brother is too busy to do it, I will mow the lawn.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So can you tell us what it's like to go to a Civil- War Re-enactment?
Katherine: haha I shall try my best to describe it! Most re-enactments start on Saturday and end Sunday afternoon, after the battle. Bigger events, like Gettysburg, start on Friday. Depending on the event, we arrive either on Thursday or Friday before the event, to sign in, and set up our camp. When we started out re-enacting, we had an officer's wall tent, and a fly to have shade from the sun. In those days we slept in the tent. We travel 30-40,000 miles a year, as my Dad is also an evangelist. The Lord allowed us to get a used RV several years back, which makes traveling much easier. So needless to say we no longer sleep in the canvas tent! We have downsized a lot along the years. We now set up what is called an A-frame tent, and a large fly. Our displays entail gospel tracts, and books that we have reprinted from originals, as well as artifacts from the new National Civil War Chaplains Museum. We sit under our tent and talk to all of the spectators that come by, giving away the tracts and trying to answer their questions. On Sunday morning my Dad holds a period church service for any one who is interested.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So what is your favorite part of the re-enactments?
hmmm....well I definitely love seeing people get right with God at our services. A lot of people think that we are just "pretending" because that what the other re-enactors are doing, but our services are 100% real. If it weren't for the fact that the Lord started this ministry i seriously doubt that my Dad would have stayed with the hobby for so long. I especially love going to the large, national events. You can get a feel of what it was really like, and see what the battle might have looked like. I love being able to educate people about the war. Our history has been changed to what people want to hear, and made so politically correct. It is amazing to see the light spark in people when they realize that what they have taught, isn't true! As well as spreading the Good News, we thoroughly enjoy helping people realize the true history behind the War Between the States.
I also have several ancestors that fought in the Civil War. I love that I can represent them , and honor what they fought and died for.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So tell us about your Photography.
Katherine: For as long as I can remember, I have always LOVED photography. I remember when i was little, staring at pictures for hours! Pictures so intrigue me...they make me wonder about the story behind them. I was able to purchase a Nikon SLR digital camera last summer. I am slowly, but surely starting a photography business. I have done a few photo shoots with my friends, and was asked to do my first paid shoot in April. I have more lined up for later this year. Along with portraits, i also enjoy nature photography. I love being able to capture God's wonderful creation. I feel like this is a great opportunity to work part time, but still be able to do my responsibilities at home.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So tell us about the name you came up with, and the story behind that.
Katherine: I have come up with the name Lasting Memories Photography. I wanted something that would be catchy, but would also pertain to photography, which i feel it does both. :) When I see pictures, I see them as memories being preserved in the form of a picture for all to see. I feel so honored when people ask me to be able to help them preserve their memories. I love that i can help them make their memories last a lifetime...hence my tagline, making your memories last a lifetime.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: How does your family feel about your Photography?
Katherine: They love it! They back me 100%...they are just as excited as I am when I get a new client. They are always encouraging me, and helping me come up with different poses and such. They also like to advertise for me! haha! I usually show them my pictures when I am done, or get their opinion if I am having a difficult time with something. I think they are used to the fact now, that when we go somewhere that I will take a ton of pictures!
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So Out of all of your family, which family member are you closest to and why?
Katherine: Probably my mom. We do everything together, from grocery shopping, to cleaning the house, to cooking/baking, to doing projects together. She has been such a godly example to me, and taken the time to train me to be a godly wife and mother someday. She has taught me to sew, and cook and bake. The fact that she took the time to do all these things, and to homeschool me, is priceless. I have learned so much from her, and I know that i will learn many more things. My prayer is that I can be like her one day!
stay at home daughter
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Interview With Jessica Chilous.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So what is it like being a Marines wife?
Jessica: It is difficult- but it is all we've known since we have been married! He proposed before he left for boot camp, and 8 months later, we were married. He is gone a lot- in the 2 1/2 years we have been married, I'd say he's only been around about a year of it- but when he returns it is always a joyous thing! While it is hard, it is really rewarding as well, it brings us closer together in the sense that we have actually been through something most couples don't. When he is out next year, I think it will be an even weirder adjustment having him here 24/7 haha!
Modesty is Next to Beauty: How did you and your husband meet?
Jessica: In high school- we both had the same friends and somehow never met until 10th grade. We formally met at a friends birthday party in January 2004 and were friends until junior prom when we decided to pursue dating. Neither of us had ever dated or anything so it was extra special to us, and new and dorky but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So when did you know your husband was the one God wanted for you?
Jessica: I felt that God brought him to me to help me find my way back to Christianity. When we met, I had no interest in religion and was very lost. He was a very serious Christian (which caused problems between us at first) and ended up convincing me to come to church with him after YEARS of asking. I feel that because of that, and the way he brought me out of many dark situations- and his patience with me that he was a gift to me from God.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: What has having a child and one on the way done for you? how has it affected you?
Jessica: I do believe that having Jackson (her son) here and having another on the way is bringing my family closer...I am close to them, though they are not close to each other. (My parents don't really speak anymore, but still live together etc) But I am thankful for them, my siblings, and my husband's family- they are amazing!
Modesty is Next to Beauty: Do you sew? or have you taken up any hobbies for free time?
Jessica: I desperately wish to learn to sew! I actually am starting to learn to crochet, but it is a bit hard to do- my hands are always full with my big baby! I do keep journals though- I have since I was about 10, and just keep a log of all of my thoughts and revelations. It is really fun to look back at older journals and see how far I've come! :)
Modesty is Next to Beauty: How did your husband feel about your change in opinions concerning modesty?
Jessica: He is very "whatever makes you happy" when it comes to me haha! He very rarely voices negativity when it comes to decisions I make! When he came back from Afghanistan last year, I was probably at my worst- I had shaved my head, had several piercings, and just lost myself in the world. Shortly after he returned, I found out I was pregnant and my whole world changed. I kept having visions of motherhood and couldn't see myself giving it my all the way I was! I was all about me and my wants and impulse. I recognized that children are little sponges who take in EVERYTHING we do and we absolutely have to lead by example.
The process was gradual- and each step my husband supported me. Honestly he LOVES the change and also hopes to teach our daughters (Lord willing we have some!) the same standards. He sees how important it is especially in this culture. It makes him happy :)
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So do you have any advice for stay at home mothers that you could hand off? :-)
Jessica: Just to be mindful of your actions and not just your words- children are the light of the world and are your heritage. And to never be discouraged if you can't do everything- you are only human! God will pick up where you leave off! :) Just take life one day at a time so you don't miss anything, and to never be afraid to ask for help!
Modesty is Next to Beauty: Do you have any advice for newly wed wives? or soon to be first time mothers?
Jessica: For newlyweds- marriage is a joyous occasion but also a huge adjustment, just keep communication open and remember that love really does heal all wrongs. And to never let the sun go down with anger in your heart! That is more important than you may think!
And for mommies, just don't WORRY. I worried about EVERYTHING- his health, affording him, knowing what to much so that I didn't enjoy the pregnancy as much as I should have! I heard this from a very wise woman- "you will never have enough money, enough arms, enough knowledge, enough ANYTHING for a child. But by the grace of God, everything will work out just fine!" Just don't panic or EXPECT anything. Babies are adventures!
Jessica shares some encouraging bible verses with us, that help her.
I live by this- "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."- John 10:10
"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate".-Psalms 127:3-5
"Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."- James 4:17
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Interview with Susanna Rolland
Modesty is Next to Beauty: What does it feel like to be a Stay at Home Mother, while other mothers work?
Susanna: In a way I feel privileged. It`s really a blessing for me to stay at home and take care of my children. I have never had a wish to be a career woman. Since I was a little girl my dream for my life was to get married, get children and stay home. I want to teach them about Jesus.
On the other way I can sometimes feel alone and outside the community. In the world it`s not status to be a stay at home mother, but I will rather please God than the world. I`m satisfied to stay at home and be a old fashion mother!Modesty is Next to Beauty: Tell us about your 2 boys, do you homeschool them?
Susanna: My oldest son is 4 1/2 years old and the other one will soon be 2 years. Here in Norway children are beginning in school when they are 6 years old. So at this time they are staying home with me. The oldest one is attending kindergarten two days a week, to play with other children.
No, homeschool is very, very unusual in Norway. I know that school and secular friends can have a bad influence on my children. But I do my best to raise them to be good christian kids, and hope that they in the future will be living witnesses of Jesus Christ in school.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: Do you go to church, if so how is it there?
Susanna: Yes, we are so blessed so we have a church only 5 minutes from our home. There we got the Word of God preached every Sunday, and we have wonderful fellowship with sisters and brothers in the Lord.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: Have you ever been outside of Norway?
Susanna: Yes, actually I`m born and grown up in Sweden. I moved to Norway when I got married. And I have been in some other countries in Europe on holiday
Modesty is Next to Beauty: Do you like living in Norway? it must be cool, Do you live out in the city?
Susanna: I LOVE Norway! There is not a big difference between Norway and Sweden. We live a little bit outside a city. We have warm and nice summers, and cold winters with snow. The nature in Norway is awesome, high mountains and rivers. I think God did a really nice job when he created Norway :)
Modesty is Next to Beauty: In conclusion to our interview, if you could give a few pointers to Stay at Home Mothers, or soon to be moms, what would it be?
Susanna: I will encourage all stay at home mothers; to be home and create a home with nice atmosphere, and teach our children to love Jesus with all their hearts, that is what mother is made for!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Interview With Hannah Lyons.
Interview with Miss Hannah Lyons
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So Hannah tell us about your family? and what it's like to be a missionary to Japan?
Hannah: My family is awesome! I love them! there is 7 of us counting my parents lol, I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. All of us children grew up in church. My dad was a pastor for 3 years before we became Missionaries. being a Missionary can be hard some times but you get to see God work in SO many ways and being about to go to a country and start a church and see people saved and start to grow in Christ is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! :D I think the only "bad" thing about it is that people expect so much out of you and a lot of times its more then you can be but you try your hardest and just live for God the way he wants you to.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: What family member are you closet to? and why?
Hannah: I would have to say my 3rd brother Luke, Because we understand each other and we like almost all the same things lol and he has always been there for me threw every hard time I have been there for him. I mean I am close to all my family but I'm closest to him.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So being a Stay at Home Missionary Daughter, What was it like when you were younger?
Hannah:Well from right before 7 to right before I turned 10 my dad was a pastor and it was fun but it was a small church and there wasn't many kids so it was kinda boring at times lol but I loved helping out in the church and going on the Bus with my dad every Sunday morning! But at home...well we lived on an old farm and we had cows and chickens lol It was a blast! I wouldn't change anything about my life then.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: How is your relationship with your mom and dad? being missionaries they must be pretty busy.
Hannah: They are, and its hard some times. like some times I will need help with school or some thing but I know that the ministry is more important so I will just try to do it on my own. But our relationship it pretty good. I know that if I have a big prob they will be there to help me and talk with me about it. I tell my mom every thing and then she tells my dad lol so I don't have to tell him lol
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So you have traveled alot of places in your life, what was your favorite?
Hannah: Omg! must you ask that Question? lol I would prob have to say right here in Japan. I Love it here and I cry every time I have to leave it, but I love a lot of places we went on the road lol
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So I was talking to you the other day, tell us about Africa. :-)
Modesty is Next to Beauty: What is your main concern in Japan?
Hannah: Well I think its that the young people over here in Japan are heading in the same way as those back in the states. Now I'm not saying that all young people in the states are bad but I'm sure you understand what I mean and then that they are so into buddah and shinto that they don't really care about hearing what you have to say about God and it is really sad. Before I leave I would like to see a couple Japanese families join the church and start living for God and see our church grow enough that we have to move into a bigger building!
Modesty is Next to Beauty: So what is your favorite part about being a missionary kid?
Hannah: Getting to meet new people and go all the different places and serving God.
Modesty is Next to Beauty: Do you have any advice for daughters that are missionaries , or stay at home daughters?
Hannah: Just do what God wants you to do and live every day like its your last! Keep a smile on your face even in the bad times. :) There is always some thing to smile about and be thankful for :D
To learn more about The Bill Lyons Family. Follow their page on facebook Bill Lyons Family Missionaries to the US-Military and the Japanese. To Contact
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Stay Tuned
Stay Tuned Ladies, we are going to be having a interview week, Starting next Monday! this is going to be exciting!
We will be interviewing Stay at Home Mothers/Wives, and Stay at Home Daughters.
If you would like to Participate comment below, we would love to feature you!
We will be interviewing Stay at Home Mothers/Wives, and Stay at Home Daughters.
If you would like to Participate comment below, we would love to feature you!
Pieces of Me!
I have been thinking lately.........................
I have not been always saved and when I was young I gave peices of my heart away.....What does that have to do with Modesty?
Modesty is very important to me as a God fearing God loving woman.....But as a young woman I never wanted anyone to tell me what to do, I wanted to do what I wanted to do! In my lifestyle of how I was raised waiting until marriage was unheard of! You dated until you found the "one". You had to go through the worst until you find the best....
I find this analogy goes hand in hand with whether you find the love of the Lord or you walk in your own steam. Finding Self glory or Glorifying the Lord in all that you do.
To me now, finding the Lords love has enable me to understand what love truly is (in essence I have found the "one" in the Lord)...No human being can do that for me. My relationships were always based on mistrust, missunderstandings and always some melodrama. Why? I honestly and truly believe it is because the Lords hand was not on my shoulder while in the midst of a lifestyle of selfishness, self reliance and self glorification.
Young women grow up yearning for a romantic, sweep you off of your feet, going about looking for someone to complete you. We are not teaching our children to wait. Wait on the Lord to provide you at the right time, at the right moment, for the right reasons, when you have learned what He want you to learn, then and only then He will provide....
This is why when we try on our own we result in failed relationships, heartaches and many pains.....You see modesty in all that we do, serving the Lord and making Him your most important part of your life, the spouse will come your way.
Ever notice that in the secular world most people say they want to be their own person, do what they want to the end almost every woman is looking, seeking, yearning to find the perfect mate and unfortunatley goes through and gives pieces of herself away at the expence of her God given mate.
If you start to break off pieces of your heart (and this is encouraged at such a young innocent jokes of family "oh is he your little boyfriend...laugh laugh when the girl is little) your future spouse will only be left with a small portion of a mistreated, misguided, missunderstood feelings. Pieces of your heart you can not get back you give them away and they do not return to you....
Why are we not encouraging and educating our children to wait...
Why do we not want our children to dress modestly and appropriatly? Why are we not setting the example of waiting..waitin on the Lord, waiting to give all of themselves to their spouse? Why are we encouraging a promiscuity lifestyle that only hurts our children, mistreats our children, misguides our children?
Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornications, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife du benevolence: and like wise also the wif unto the husband. .......Nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in is heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well.
1 Corinthians 7:1,2,3,37
Your first Love should always be the Lord!
#1 God #2 Spouse #3 Children #4 Extended family
And always in that order.....
When you read through the Bible and you truly yearn to be with the Lord, to walk, to talk, to learn and to give your life over, it is then you understand the true meaning of Love.
The Lord loves us so much, he sacrifices so much we need to learn by example and start giving our children the gift of self control, God control and giving our lives 150% to the Lord and then and only then will we be fufilled!
With Him all is possible,
Thank you for joining me in my journey with the Lord,
I have not been always saved and when I was young I gave peices of my heart away.....What does that have to do with Modesty?
Modesty is very important to me as a God fearing God loving woman.....But as a young woman I never wanted anyone to tell me what to do, I wanted to do what I wanted to do! In my lifestyle of how I was raised waiting until marriage was unheard of! You dated until you found the "one". You had to go through the worst until you find the best....
I find this analogy goes hand in hand with whether you find the love of the Lord or you walk in your own steam. Finding Self glory or Glorifying the Lord in all that you do.
To me now, finding the Lords love has enable me to understand what love truly is (in essence I have found the "one" in the Lord)...No human being can do that for me. My relationships were always based on mistrust, missunderstandings and always some melodrama. Why? I honestly and truly believe it is because the Lords hand was not on my shoulder while in the midst of a lifestyle of selfishness, self reliance and self glorification.
Young women grow up yearning for a romantic, sweep you off of your feet, going about looking for someone to complete you. We are not teaching our children to wait. Wait on the Lord to provide you at the right time, at the right moment, for the right reasons, when you have learned what He want you to learn, then and only then He will provide....
This is why when we try on our own we result in failed relationships, heartaches and many pains.....You see modesty in all that we do, serving the Lord and making Him your most important part of your life, the spouse will come your way.
Ever notice that in the secular world most people say they want to be their own person, do what they want to the end almost every woman is looking, seeking, yearning to find the perfect mate and unfortunatley goes through and gives pieces of herself away at the expence of her God given mate.
If you start to break off pieces of your heart (and this is encouraged at such a young innocent jokes of family "oh is he your little boyfriend...laugh laugh when the girl is little) your future spouse will only be left with a small portion of a mistreated, misguided, missunderstood feelings. Pieces of your heart you can not get back you give them away and they do not return to you....
Why are we not encouraging and educating our children to wait...
Why do we not want our children to dress modestly and appropriatly? Why are we not setting the example of waiting..waitin on the Lord, waiting to give all of themselves to their spouse? Why are we encouraging a promiscuity lifestyle that only hurts our children, mistreats our children, misguides our children?
Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornications, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife du benevolence: and like wise also the wif unto the husband. .......Nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in is heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well.
1 Corinthians 7:1,2,3,37
Your first Love should always be the Lord!
#1 God #2 Spouse #3 Children #4 Extended family
And always in that order.....
When you read through the Bible and you truly yearn to be with the Lord, to walk, to talk, to learn and to give your life over, it is then you understand the true meaning of Love.
The Lord loves us so much, he sacrifices so much we need to learn by example and start giving our children the gift of self control, God control and giving our lives 150% to the Lord and then and only then will we be fufilled!
With Him all is possible,
Thank you for joining me in my journey with the Lord,
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