Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Is your mask on today?

Would the real modest lady please step forward? Which mask are you wearing today? Is it the "I'm a perfect mother mask," maybe the " I never struggle mask?"

Why do we, as Christian ladies feel that we need to walk through our Christian life acting as though we've got everything together? As if God did not have to extend all that much grace to us because, after all, we arent really that bad. We look around and compare ourselves and we aren't as bad as what we see all around us, so we feel pretty good about ourselves. We don't allow anyone to see our weaknesses and would never dream of honestly exposing our struggles to others.

Ladies, how can we be an encouragement to one another if we keep our "perfect" mask on? If we are too consumed with wanting others to think we are the Godliest, the most modest, the best.... how can we minister to others? How can we show the grace of God and His love, when we present ourselves like that?

I desire to be real. Ladies, I don't have it all together. I have made mistakes and I still do. I still need the strength of the Lord to walk through this life. I don't always want to right and I don't always choose to do right. Is it my goal to serve and please my Lord? YES!! Do I always fulfill that goal? NO!

Consider John chapter 4 and the Samaritan woman. If she had kept her mask on would she have drank the water that truly satisfied? This lady clearly saw her need for a Savior and she had no doubt that she needed help. Is that how you see yourself?

Do you see yourself as wretched? Or do you think you are somehow better than others because you attend church, wear the "right" clothes and the list goes on and on. Ladies, make no mistake about it, we are wretched sinners. It is ONLY in Christ that there is anything worthy about us.

How many blessings are we missing by trying to walk in our own strength and act as if "we have this covered?" We not only miss the blessing of running to our Lord for every ounce of strength and goodness, but also the blessing of being able to minister to others.

Join me today and let's take our mask off. Let's run to the Lord for strength and then minister to others by removing the fake mask and being real with one another. We have to admit that we need help in order to show others where we get that help.

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